August 13, 2018
Craig Parmele
Compressed Air Best Practices Expo 2018
Compressed Air Advisors attended the first annual Compressed Air Best Practices put on by the publication of the same name. The expo took place in Rosemont, Illinois September 16th -19th. Three days of the some of the industry's top experts speaking on a wide variety of topics affecting today's facilities. The expo was designed for end users and how they can operate their facilities to the highest standards. Many manufacturers also attended and had exhibition boots on the expo floor allowing end users to get up close and discuss their unique needs directly with manufacturers. Monday was capped off with a private party at Joe's Live, where we were able to catch the hometown Chicago Bears on MNF enjoy adult beverages, catch up with old friends and peers as well as stuff our face on a variety of sliders (which the Joe's staff wouldn't stop bringing out). All and all it was a good inaugural expo with the next one being in Nashville next fall. Compressed Air Advisors as a whole took a lot away from the expo which we can use to benefit our customers.